environment as architecture (part 6: unwanted violence)

the idea that detrimental environments can contribute towards violent events or situations between human beings is nothing new. although it is argued in a pantheist sense (not religious) that the environment or architecture can potentially consists of elements that can be on a par or akin to adverse behaviour of persons. whilst the environment does not exist consciously in the same way as a sentient human it does possess qualities, form and properties that are viewed as shaping the world around it.

in this context the understanding goes further in describing adverse environments and architecture as not only potentially consisting of workloads or demands but pathogens or prodromals (that which came before), almost as if containing hostile pre-symptoms and that which causes eventual toxicity towards persons. the use of terms such as pathogens and prodromals is purposeful not only in describing what came before adverse events and situations but how the nature of the environment or architecture got to be the way that it is.  by understanding how environment and architecture come in to being is to identify both strength and weakness, which is perhaps the information needed to help us avoid or traverse likely adverse situations and places.

in earnest there may even be a deficit in defining human like aspects towards adverse environments or surroundings, when we could argue behaviour is no different to object properties, form and qualities. this is in no way to demean what it is to be human but to question how factors of violence may go beyond traditional dualistic notions of what is to be considered  importantly human and what is non-human. whilst Taoism can be full of contrasting thoughts, perceptions of dualism, physicalism, ideas and thinking it arguably can also help identify ways of crossing divides to universally understand or hint at new directions to how the world around us might just work better.

an interpretative example of understanding environment (part 4: unwanted violence)

in applying or understanding the nature of environment as if possessed of conscious intent (not though in paradoxical actuality) we will inevitably hit metaphysical stumbling blocks.  but through this process of perceiving there is the idea that clarity is formed because if we have difficulty in applying what living is beyond us we will examine what does apply in regards of environment (including attempted insight beyond human behavioral contexts) and its potential to have influence on violence and volatile situations.  a useful way to think of environment as if possessing conscious intent is through terms such as peaceful or hostile – terms we are not unfamiliar with but in this context gives a grounding of what this is likely to be and what it is not.

the environment in its own right (without or beyond terms of living consciousness) should not inherently be disregarded as a lower order when it comes to how situations of violence and hostility evolve or devolve.  in fact and interestingly hierarchies of safety priority when applied to the places we might visit or frequent can recognise well the primary importance of external environments, conditions and setting.

in taoist terms the internal self and external world could in fact on a deeper level be argued as the same or at least more closely interconnected than we would have been led to believe.  the association with taoism is integral to this in so much as acknowledging we are a part of the world as much as the world is a part of us and so such thoughts can help to recognise this, but also to imagine what it is to move beyond the boundaries of self and behavior.